Pink Fire Pointer Handmade Books and Stationary

Handmade Books and Stationary

Note cards by Anna Fewster

I have always loved the story of how Leonard and Virginia Woolf became book publishers.  Leonard was concerned about Virginia's mental health and thought if she learned how to print and publish books she would find some relief from the pressure of writing.  And so was born the Hogarth Press in the year 1917.    They began printing on their dining room table and some of the most treasured books to collect by the Hogarth Press ane the ones that say "Printed and Published" by the Hogarth Press, as these were the ones that were hand printed by the Woolfs and their employees.

Book by Clive Bell, with illustrations by Duncan Grant and Vanessa Bell, published by Hogarth Press in 1923

At the Hogarth Press, the Woolfs published the early work of T.S Eliot, Katherine Mansfield, John Maynard Keynes, and many others.  They introduced the English-speaking world to the great Russian novelists and Sigmund Freud by publishing English translations of these works.


A few months ago I read about Anna Fewster, letterpress printer and book artist who lives and works in England.  I was immediately drawn to her beautiful Bloomsbury inspired stationary and exquisite hand printed books and wanted to learn more about this talented woman and her work.

I was excited to find out that her interest in printing developed while doing research for her doctorate on early 20th century book design.  She spent four years studying the books designed, illustrated, printed, and bound by the Bloomsbury group at the Hogarth Press and the Omega Workshops.  In the middle of doing her research she decided to buy herself a press and teach herself how to print.

She describes the printing process that she uses:

"Using an Adana Eight-Five platen press, metal type, cotton papers, hand-cut linoleum and wood blocks and linseed oil inks, I use traditional processes and craft techniques to create work that expresses and reflects my love of design and detail, and inspires an appreciation of the characteristic texture and quality of letterpress...Much of what I do is bespoke; from stationery, invitations and announcements, to limited edition books, record covers, CD sleeves, and illustrated broadsides.  But I do also have a constantly changing selection of ready-made stationery and printed matter for sale..."


In this period of time when I think that many people are craving a return to handmade, artisanal products, Anna Fewster's creations are particularly welcome and refreshing.  Here are some of her lovely printed products.


Wedding Invitations

Charleston Christmas Card

Bloomsbury Silhouettes

"Picnic at High and Over," book printed and designed by Anna Fewster

"Halo of Dust," book printed and designed by Anna Fewster

I am so inspired by the beauty and quality of these cards and books.   Anna Fewster is creating original and exciting printed materials in the sprit of the Bloomsbury artists, printers, and publishers.

Photos from Anna Fewster's website